User Account Registration
A1: It is not a mandatory requirement for a user to register an HKMS 2.0 account. Without login to HKMS 2.0, the user can still browse the web map, search the map product information, download the open data, place an order for paper map products which to be collected at Map Sales Outlets.
Registered Users in HKMS 2.0 may also enjoy the following privileges:
Order digital map products
Request checking the saleabililty on the Land Boundary Plan (LBP), the Survey Record Plan (SRP) and the survey information (e.g. survey report of SRP) of the voluntary submission mechanism under SMO Practice Notes no. 2/2013.
Check order status
View order history and the corresponding digital map product licence details
Save shopping cart items for the use of the next login
Redeem coupon codes
A2: To register an account with Hong Kong Map Service 2.0, please click the "Login/Registration" Icon at the top right-hand corner of any page on the website. You may choose to register as either an Individual User or a Company User.
If your map products ordered are for personal use only, you may register as an Individual User. Once you have been successfully authenticated by e-mail, you may start to place order.
If your map products ordered are for company/organization use, you should register as a Company User. Please complete both “USER PART” and “COMPANY PART” and upload the supporting document for the application for company account. Once your account application is accepted by the Lands Department, you will receive an email of confirmation with your User ID. For security reason, the password will be provided by e-mail separately. Then, you can order map products in Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 and invite colleagues of your company to create Company User Account.
A3: No. You can order both digital map products and paper map products through your registered account.
A4: Please refer to User Account information at "Useful Info > User Account".
A5: Company User must log into Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 and select "User Menu > Invite Non-registered Company user" by providing the e-mail address of the invitee. The invitee will receive a notification for user account registration by email. When the invitee opens the hyperlink in the email, he/she will be directed to the registration page of Hong Kong Map Service 2.0. Then he/she may input his/her personal information and select “Submit”. When such User account application is accepted by the Lands Department, the invitee will then become a registered Company User of Hong Kong Map Service 2.0, and will receive an email confirmation with his/her User ID. For security reason, the password will be provided by e-mail separately.
Every Company User may invite more than one colleague.
A6: They should select to register as a Company User in the online registration form. According to their privilege to be applied, they may check the checkboxes “Apply for ALS (Authorized Land Surveyor) User”, “Apply for Discount Offer” and/or “Apply for Academic Use” in the registration form, and upload the supporting documents in the field immediately below the selected privileges.
A7: HKMS 2.0 provides a convenient way of registration for Customers by logging in using their Facebook or Google accounts. Upon successful login, Customers will have the same privileges as a registered Individual User, without any further e-mail authorization process.
A9: No. Your login ID cannot be changed once your user account is registered successfully.
A10: A password is required to ensure that only you will be able to access your account information in Hong Kong Map Service 2.0. Your password must be between 8 and 10 characters long, with at least 1 alphabet and 1 digit, and case sensitive.
A11: You should log into Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 and select "User Menu > Change Password". On the page of Change Password, type in your current password, then type in new password and re-type it in the "Confirm Password" field. Finally, select "Submit".
A12: Please contact Map Publications Centre, Hong Kong at (852) 2231-3187 or send an email to
A13: You can select "Forget Password" on the login page, then, enter your registered email address as Login ID, then click "Submit" on “Forget Password” page. After receiving an email with “RESET CODE”, you need to type in “LOGIN ID”, “NEW PASSWORD”, “CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD”, “RESET CODE” and click “Submit” button on “RESET PASSWORD” page.
A14: You should log into Hong Kong Map Service 2.0, select "User Menu > Account Information" and then, you may update on your User Information or Company Information. Please remember to select "Submit" to confirm the changes.
A15: If there are any changes related to the company information, please contact the Customer Service Representative in Map Publications Centre, Hong Kong at (852) 2231-3187 or email to
A16: Your personal data provided will be used for internal market research and Survey and Mapping Office's product and service promotion subject to your consent given. To ensure you are informed of our latest products and services available, you are encouraged to update your account information whenever necessary, and provide your consent to receive our promotional information on Hong Kong Map Service 2.0 on the "User Menu > Account Information" page. On the contrary, you may also opt-out from receiving the promotional information by unchecking "I agree to receive promotion info of new product or service." at the "Edit Account Information" page.
Last revision date
Mar 2021